Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Cable Modem with USB and Ethernet Connections


After using my 'stingray' wired modem, given to me by singnet for two years, i finally became tired of all the wired nonsense and decided to upgrade.

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I bought a wireless modem and with my new Ethernet Modem, the smart Alec in me decided to fix it up and uPgradE to wireLESS.

Being the computer networking newbie, i tried for hours and still could not get the internet connection.


As i was anxious to entice my friendly neighbours to take adantage of my wireless systems, i decided to put my pride aside and call the friendly technical assistant from Linksys.

Dialogue of 'the' Call:

FTA (Friendly Technical Assistant, nt some free trade agreement or some shyt)


FTA: Good Morning Sir, I am your FTA, my name is #$%^@ (can't remember)

Me: Ah...yes, i bought this modem from your company (Linksys) and i can't get it to work. Btw, is this number toll-free. (Pai seh, dialed some complicated digits that obviously shows that the call is to overseas and the Super KS Singaporean in me just needed to verify)

FTA: Do not worry sir, the call is toll free, assuming u dialed the (800) in front of the digits. (Shyt! did i do that? heck) Okay, what you need to do is ..blah...blah...blah...

Me: (After trying all that crap) Hello, i am still unable to get a connection.

FTA: I see, in that case i think your modem may be faulty. (oh Gawd...$$$ gone?) Please hold on (no $ still make my pay more phone bill)....Pause.......

FTA: Hi Sir, With your Warrenty, you are able to get a Completely New Modem from our company, but it would be a different model from your current one, it would be our new version, model #@%# (YAY!!!) . Please tell me the name of the company in which you bought the modem from, before we can give you the new modem.

Me: ....Pause ultra long....then rushes frantically to the rubbish bin and starts pulling everything out....NOooOoOO~....my mom must have emptied the bin last night.....

FTA: *Hears my screams of misery. Is everything alright sir. If you do not have the receipt with you, i suggest you get another receipt from the shop you bought the modem from. Once you have the receipt, you can give us a call and provide us with the necessary information. Thank you for calling Linksys Technical Support. Thank you and have a nice day.

Me: *Beep

No Receipt, No new Modem...

Thank you Linksys.


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